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Ofsted Report

In July 2023 we were inspected by Ofsted for the first time. We were thrilled to be rated a 'good' school with an 'outstanding' Early Years Provision and Personal Development curriculum. 

Ofsted stated that Waverley is a 'welcoming and inclusive school' where pupils 'engage in a rich and diverse set of experiences that significantly enhance their personal development'. 

The report explains that 'leaders are aspirational for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or those with disabilities, to reach their potential'. 

Ofsted commended pupils on how 'well-behaved' they are. They commented on 'how well they play well together at social times' and that the 'older pupils act as positive role models to those in the younger years'.

The report compliments how 'leaders are determined that children in Nursery and Reception have the knowledge and skills required to begin key stage 1' and that adults 'skilfully extend children’s understanding by using carefully planned questions'.

Ofsted expressed that leaders 'understand the needs of pupils with SEND extremely well' When visiting the school’s enhanced resource provision, known as the ARC, inspectors praised how these pupils are 'fully included in all wider-school activities' and 'receive effective additional help'.

The full Ofsted report can be downloaded below.