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Whales (Y1)

Welcome to the Whale Class







Welcome to the Whale class with Miss Gerrard and Mrs Ratcliffe. This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what Y1 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites. This year our main aims are: to develop self-confidence in our learning (even when we make mistakes), to become resilient learners who never give up when faced with a challenge, and to become more independent in the classroom.

Please click here to download the Y1 Topic Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y1 Maths Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y1 Writing Standards 


Autumn Term

Autumn 1

Our topic for Autumn 1 is Amazing Animals!

Pictures/ books related to your topic

For the First half of Autumn Term, we will be focusing on the topic 'Amazing Animals!' and will be looking at lots of different animals and their habitats. Each week we will take a different story off the bookshelf and base our learning around it. The stories will include ‘Farmyard Hullabaloo’, ‘What the Ladybird Heard?’, ‘Farmer Duck’ and many more...

In Literacy we will be labelling animals, writing shopping lists for the farm shop, writing caption for different parts of a story and writing dictated sentences based on our phonics knowledge.

In Maths we will be practising our number formation, sorting and counting objects, counting forwards and backwards from any number 0- 10, counting 1 more and 1 less, comparing amounts, ordering, addition and subtraction and learning number bonds to 10.

In design Technology, we will be designing and creating our own freestanding structures. We will learn about the features of a free-standing structure and what materials can be used to create stronger structures. The children will select their own material and will make an animal shelter that is free standing.

In Geography will be studying the local area, the children will look at maps and learn why they can be useful. The children will follow a simple map and instructions to find different locations around the school.

In Religious Education the children will be thinking about who Christians are and what they may believe in. We will look at important objects in the Christian faith and discuss why they are sacred. We will also be looking at important stories from the bible.

In science we will be investigating living things. The children will compare animals and look at what makes animals different. They will classify animals based on their feature and talking about mammal, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians.

Throughout the Topic we will complete lots of exciting activities including visiting the local area, celebrating Yom Kippur and Harvest Festival.

Throughout the Topic we will complete lots of exciting activities including visiting the local area, celebrating Yom Kippur and Harvest Festival. Parents will also be invited into school to take part in Parent Workshop.


Please click here to download the XX Medium Term Planning


Autumn 2 Term


Our topic for Autumn 2 is Spectacular Seasons and Wonderful Weather!

Pictures/ books related to your topic



Key Vocabulary

Winter, cold days, snow, freezing, icy, chilly, rain, sleet, umbrella, gloves, scarf, hat, hot drinks, skiing, spring, warm days, showers, flowers, butterflies, nests, rainbows, gardening, allergies, baby animals, summer, hot days, beach, sun, sunny, holidays, ice cream, sunglasses, sun cream, swimming pool, Autumn, cool days, leaves, wind, harvest, rakes, acorns, woodland, pumpkins, Halloween, clouds, dark nights, bonfire night, festive, twinkling, shimmering, crackling, flickering, sparkling, wreath, remember, Christingle, seasons

Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.

For the Second half of Autumn Term, we will be focusing on the topic 'Spectacular Seasons and Wonderful Weather' and will be looking at all the seasons of the year and we will be learning all the changes that can happen throughout that season. Each week we will take a different story off the bookshelf and base our learning around it. The stories will include ‘No sleep for bear, ‘The leaf thief’ and many more...

In Literacy we will be writing labels for parts of a flower, a list of tips on how sleep, writing caption for different parts of a story and writing dictated sentences based on our phonics knowledge.

In Maths we will be focusing on addition, number bonds to 10 and subtraction. The children will also look at fact families, comparing addition and subtraction sentences, counting forwards and backwards to 20, looking at 1 more and 1 less of numbers to 20, comparing groups of objects and numbers and investigating 2D and 3D shapes.

In History we will be looking at different ways we can celebrates. The children will be focussing on Remembrance Day and learning understand that not everything we celebrate is happy some events we commemorate can be sad. The children will the make a poppy wreath in remembrance of the soldiers that sadly lost their lives in the war.

In science we will be investigating the seasons of the year. The children look at different ways that we can identify the four seasons. They will be exploring and recording the features of autumn. The children will investigate patterns in the weather and predict them using rain gauges that they have made.

In art we will be looking at the artist David Hockney. The children will learn to annotate different painting and focus on different features of a painting such as brush techniques like stippling. The children will then create a piece of art for their calendars which will be inspired by the work of David Hockney.

In ICT the children will be focusing on programming a floor robot to move forwards and backwards. The children will look at different commands that they can give the floor robot to create a route around the classroom.

In Religious education the children will be focusing on how and why Christians celebrate Christmas. We will be looking at what advent means and think about different things that Christians do to celebrate Christmas.

In RSHE the children will look at what friends are what makes a good friend. The children will also look at ways to keep their bodies healthy such as; diet, exercise and personal hygiene.

Through the Topic we will complete lots of exciting activities including celebrating Diwali and Christmas. The children will also be going on a walk to look for the signs of Autumn and visit a local Church to learn more about the Christian faith.

Medium Term Planning to be added soon


Important Information

Our P.E days are Wednesday and Thursdays. Please make sure your child has the correct P.E kit in school on these days and ensure that it is labelled with their name and class.

Please ensure your child’s planner is in school every day so we are able to tell you about your child’s school learning and what they can be working on at home.

Spellings will be tested every Friday. New spellings will be stuck in the planners after each spelling test.

Phonics reading books will be changed on Fridays

Dates for your diary

Parent workshop- 12th September 9:00am

Jeans 4 Genes day- 16th September

Rosh Hashanah- 3rd to 4th October

World Mental Health Day- 10th October

Yom Kippur- 12th October

Walk around local area- TBC

Children in need- 15th November

Anti- bullying week- 11th - 15th November

Road safety week- 17th- 23rd November

Creative Afternoon- TBC

Church Visit- TBC


Home Learning

Each half term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the Autumn challenges for you to try. 

Autumn 1 learning grid


Autumn 2 leaning grid


Other home learning activities for Autumn Term are -

  • Read at home each night.
  • Practise the class spellings.
  • Practise reading and writing the tricky words and Year 1 common exception words.
  • Practise phonics - there are some great free games and activities on the Phonics Play website.
  • Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20
  • Recap all number bonds to 10. lioness/zrrx92p