Sharks (Y2)
Welcome to the Shark Class
Welcome to the Shark class page with Mrs Royle and Miss Dale. This page is for parents and children to use together and includes: information about what the Y2 children will be learning in class, homework and helpful websites to support class learning, and key dates for your diary.
Please click here to download the Y2 Topic Long Term Plan
Please click here to download the Y2 Maths Long Term Plan
Please click here to download the Y2 Writing Standards
Autumn Term
Our topic for Autumn 1 is called Staying Healthy
In Autumn 1, our history unit of learning focuses on shopping - children will consider change and continuity over time and identify similarities and differences between past and present shopping experiences. The children will visit Morrisons – this will support their history learning and provide the stimulus for one of the children’s longer written pieces – a visit recount. The Sharks will also be writing vegetable pasta instructions for Mrs Grinling (from The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch) so she can prepare a healthy lunch for Mr Grinling when he is working at the lighthouse.
In Maths, the children will be learning about place value to 100. They will practise recognising tens and ones, using a place value chart and partitioning numbers to 100. They will then explore addition and subtraction.
In Science, the children will be exploring what it means to be healthy including the benefits of being healthy and how to make healthy choices. They will classify food into the different food groups and learn how each food group is important in maintaining good health.
In Art, they will take inspiration from the artist Michelle Reader and use waste materials to create an amazing lighthouse print.
Our topic for Autumn 2 is It All Started on Pudding Lane
In Autumn 2, children will learn about the ‘Great Fire of London’ and the changes it brought to their capital city. The children will also develop their knowledge of how historians find out about the past including studying artefacts and analysing written sources. They will learn about Samuel Pepys and his diaries.
In English, the children will write poems about bonfire night and use their creativity to write a diary entry imagining what it would have been like to experience The Great Fire of London first hand.
In Maths, the children will continue with addition and subtraction. They will then learn about shape, exploring both 2D and 3D shapes, along with pattern and symmetry.
In Geography, the children will develop their knowledge of the immediate locality around home and school further (they began this in Y1) and look at wider elements of where they live. Children will consider how people interact with their locality, how it works, and what/who it serves.
Important Information
- Our P.E days will be Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure P.E kits are in school and labelled with your child’s name and class.
- Please make sure planners are in school every day. This allows us to communicate with you telling you about your child’s school learning and how you can support them at home.
- Children’s books will be changed on Fridays.
- Spellings will be tested every Friday and new spellings given out.
Dates for your diary
Autumn 1 - Parent Workshop Welcome toY2 (24th September)
Autumn 2 - Year 2 Showcase and Christmas Sing (16th December)
Home Learning
Each half-term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the autumn challenges for you to try.
Other home learning activities for the Autumn Term are -
- Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s forward and backwards.
- Rapid recall of number bond up to and including 10.
- Complete your weekly maths homework.
- Practising your weekly spellings.
- Practise the Y2 common exception words.
Useful Websites
- White Rose Maths
- Top Marks
- BBC Bitesize
- Phonics Play
- Oxford Reading Tree