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School Meals

At Waverley Junior Academy we have a fantastic team who run our 5 star Food Hygiene rated kitchen! 


The 3 week menu offers our pupils a variety of healthy meals to choose from. This includes a daily vegetarian and chilled choice. The current menus can be see below. The details included and our serving organisation ensures we fully comply with 'Natasha's Law'.

Healthy Eating 

The kitchen team are always eager to support our children in eating a healthy diet and trying new foods. Each year we take part in initiatives such as 'Eat Them to Defeat them'. This gives our pupils the opportunity to try new vegetables in interesting ways. The team create exciting options including tomato salsa, pea and cucumber salad and carrots dipped in hummus, which are always a huge hit! 



Special Events 

At Waverley we enjoy celebrating different events and supporting charities. Our amazing kitchen team always go above and beyond to make the day memorable for our pupils with an extra treat!


Please note, we are a nut free school. As we have children in school with nut allergies, we ask that any child bringing a packed lunch does not bring any nut products with them. 

If you have a child with an allergy, you will have already met with Jessica Clarke, our Assistant Inclusion Manager, and the catering team, and your child will have an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) in place, but please let us know if you have any further concerns.