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School Council

At Waverley Junior Academy we want all children to feel valued. One of the ways we do this, is to give children extra responsibilities and ensure they understand how important and appreciated their role in our school is.

The role of a School Councillor is a very important one. We have held elections and each class have selected 2 school councillors to represent their class at meetings and events throughout the year. They have receive a badge to wear to identify them in school. 

Meet our amazing School Council...

Previous Projects 

Christmas Spirit 

The School Council were invited to Catcliffe Post Office to decorate it with the Christmas decorations each class made. The children loved having the freedom to make the shop look festive in their own way.


Waverley Scarecrow Competition 

For the past two years, we have been invited by the Waverley Events Team to judge the estates’ Scarecrow Competition. It was an honour to judge the scarecrows for both themes of ‘Sporting Heroes’ and ‘Hocus Pocus’. We look forward to this event every year!



An Author Visits 

The School Council have were given the exciting job of providing inspiration to the fantastic author Chris Madeley. Chris writes a set of book called ‘The Cones’ and was writing a book based in Waverley. The children told Chris all the things they love about where they live and what the school is like!

Chris visited us again when the book was published and the children were delighted their ideas had been included. It has been great to see the final product and for all the children to receive their copy. For more information about Chris and her brilliant stories please visit her website


Olive Lane

We gave our suggestions to Waverley Council about what we would like to see on Olive Lane and what would benefit the children living on the estate.

Glass Blowing

This year, we were invited by the Catcliffe Cone Community Group to work with Lumsdale Glass to attend a glass blowing demonstration. The children got to visit The Cone, see how glass was made with a live demonstration and handle historical tools.


Our aims for 2023:
  • Give suggestions of projects to The Cone, with hope of attending in the future.
  • To give to a charity or raise money for school funds.
  • To discuss changes that we could make to school.