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Striving for




Monkeys (FS2)

Welcome to the Monkey Class







I am Miss Tracey and I am excited to be your class teacher. We have lots of amazing teaching assistants that will be working with us that will care for us and help us with our learning. This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what FS2 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites.

The medium term plan of this half term is linked at the bottom of this page.

Our topic is ‘Once Upon a Time'.

In literacy, we will be using the stories ‘The Little Red Hen’ and ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’ as a stimulus for our writing. We will be ordering all of the stories, thinking about what happens at the beginning, middle and end. We will be writing lists, simple sentences about the stories too.

Key Vocabulary

character, setting, hero, villain, personality, appearance

Learning what these words mean will really help you with this topic.


In phonics, some of us will be starting learning phase 3 sounds, tricky words and high frequency words. We will be learning to use these sounds to blend and read both real and alien words. Some of us will be recapping phase 2 sounds and working on our blending.


In maths, through exploring numbers 0-5 we will be learning the number bonds of 2,3,4 and 5. To do this we will be using a part whole model. Towards the end of this half term, we will be learning about addition within numbers to 5.

During the afternoons, we will be comparing a map of ‘Fairy Tale Land’ to a map of Waverley and looking at what is the same and different. We will be following instructions about how to plant a bean seed and thinking about what we need to do to make it grow. We will be carrying out different scientific experiments such as making our own butter!

Story time 

Books shared at story time have been carefully selected to ensure our pupils; learn new vocabulary, speak in clear sentences, develop their conversational skills, deepen their understanding and ask and answer questions.

Please click here to look at the FS2 Medium Term Planning 

Important Information

  • Our P.E days will be Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your P.E kit is in school on these days and labelled with your name and class.
  • Please make sure your planner is in school every day, so we are able to tell your grown ups about your school learning and what you can be working on at home.
  • You will be able to take two books home per week. The first book will be for you to read to develop your fluency and the second book will be for you to share with your grown up.

Dates for your diary

  • 12th February

Home Learning

Each half term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the first challenges for you to try. 

Other home learning activities:

  • Reading at home each night.
  • Practise the phonics sounds we have been learning
  • Practise the tricky words and high frequency words we have been learning.
  • Sort the real and alien words on

In Spring 2, we are continuing our topic ‘Once Upon A Time’. 

In literacy, we will be using the stories ‘Three Little Pigs’, ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We will be using our phonics knowledge to write captions about the stories. 


In phonics, we will be focusing on phase 3d.


During maths, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction. We will learn how to do this by using concrete objects, pictorially and eventually quick recall of these number facts. We will also be looking at subitising numbers 6-10. 

In the afternoons, we will be focusing on materials and science experiments. We will be focusing on who can build the strongest house that the wolf can't blow down? Building a bridge to support a goat? How many goats can your bridge hold? What material is best to make Little Red Riding Hoods cloak from? 


Home Learning

Each half term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the first challenges for you to try. 

Spring 2 Grid to be uploaded at the end of spring 1. 

Other home learning activities:

  • Reading at home each night.
  • Practise the phonics sounds we have been learning
  • Practise the tricky words and high frequency words we have been learning.
  • Sort the real and alien words on