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Striving for




Zebras (Y3)

Welcome to the Zebra Class






Everyone has settled into year 3 extremely well and both Miss Martin and Miss Yates are so impressed with everyone, especially the resilience shown to overcome new challenges and settle into the expectations held within KS2.

Our focus this year, is to increase children’s confidence with their times table and encourage them to continue with their love of reading.

Please click here to download the Y3 Topic Long Term Plan



Please click here to download the Y3 Maths Long Term Plan 


Please click here to download the Y3 Writing Standards 

Spring Term

Our topic for Spring 1 is ‘from stones to Iron’.  This will take us back to our first history topic “the stone age” and work our way into the bronze age then the iron ages. We will be looking into the Beaker people and researching them, we will be looking at how life in Britain might have changed, was iron worth the fight?, we will look at hill forts and there use and we will debate if we was Julias Caesar would we invade Britain.



Key Vocabulary

Mesolithic                          Neolithic                             immigrated                                        revolution                         Stone Age                           Iron Age                              Bronze Age        Ice Age                     BC/BCE                                 AD                         time period                                                        invaded

Magnetic                             Non-magnetic                  Forces

Learning what these words mean will help you during some of our topics




In English, we will be kicking off the half-term by writing a set of instructions based on the book ‘The Wild Robot’. This will place a focus on time connectives, imperative verbs, adverbials of manner and apostrophes for possession. Then we will be writing a setting description based on the book focusing on adjective use, similes and fronted adverbials.

In maths, we will begin the term continuing on our multiplication and division knowledge continuing from last term. Then, we will be moving onto length and perimeter.

In science, we will be moving onto magnets and forces, we will recap our last forces learning and move onto looking at magnetism. We will be looking at magnets and discussing there ‘south pole’ and ‘north pole’ and completing some investigations into these. In PSHE, we will be looking at how to manage feeling, how to keep our bodies healthy and how to get a healthy diet. In our final week, we will be having a computer focus day around events and actions and also will complete an RE day based on what does it mean to be Hindu in Britain today.

Spring 1 MTP


Our topic for Spring 2 is ‘What is beneath my feet?’.


In this term we will be looking at how mountains are formed, how volcanoes are formed, why volcanoes are hazardous, what is an earth quake, how are earthquakes formed, how are earthquakes measured, where do they happen and how do they cause Tsunamis.



Key Vocabulary

Landscape          Peak      Summit                Ridge                    Base camp         

Core                      Mantle                 Crust                     Tectonic Plate

Fold Mountain                  Dome Mountain               Block Mountain                Ash

Altitude                               Magma                 Lava                      Vent                      Cone

Learning what these words mean will help you during our first topic.



In English, we will be writing a letter based on the book ‘escape from Pompeii’ we will also be writing a non-chronological report based on a natural disaster we will have covered in our Geography lessons.  

In maths, we will move on to fractions part 1 – we will be looking at understanding the denominators of unit fractions, comparing and ordering unit fractions, understand the numerators of non-unit fractions, understand the whole, comparing and ordering non-unit fractions, fractions and scales, fractions on a number line, counting in fractions and looking at equivalent fractions. Then we will look at mass and capacity, including looking at scales and using scales, measuring in grams, kilograms and looking at equivalent masses. We will then be adding/subtracting mass before moving onto looking at measuring capacity.

In topic, we will be completing science looking at light – this will link to our school trip to Magna. Our geography will be about mountains, volcanoes and natural hazards. In RE we will be focussed on Easter. In computing, we will be looking at connecting computers. We will also be completing music based on mountains.

Spring 2 MTP

Important Information

Our P.E days will be Wednesday and Friday.

Our weekly Spanish lesson will be on Thursday.

Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday and our multiplication test will be on a Wednesday.

We will complete book swaps on a Wednesday.


Dates for your diary

29th Jan – Chinese New Year – year of the snake

W/C 3rd Feb- childrens mental health week and national story telling week.

11th Feb – safer internet day

17th Feb – Random act of kindness day

4th March – Pancake day

6th March – World book day

10th March – science week

17th March – sign language week

17th March – Volcanoes workshop

21st March – world poetry day/red nose day

Home Learning

We ask for you to read 3 times weekly and sign your child's planner.

Play on TT Rockstars and spelling shed. 

Each half-term we will also send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the Autumn challenges for you to try (remember each challenge is worth 1 Dojo):

Spring 1 learning grid

Spring 2 leaning grid

Other home learning activities for the Spring term are:

  • Read to an adult at least 3 times a week.
  • Revise your Spanish learning by teaching your adults.
  • Practise your spellings
  • Practise the 2, 5, 10,3, 4,6 and 8 times tables. What about in reverse? 

Useful Websites

Times table rockstars – a useful webpage to practice times tables -

Topmarks –

Spelling shed – a useful way to practise new spelling rules that have been taught -

BBC Bitesize – this is a useful webpage where you can access learning with your child at home for different areas across the curriculum -