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Striving for




Tigers (Y5)

Welcome to the Tiger Class

Thoughtful    Imaginative    Generous    Enthusiastic    Respectful    Splendid

Welcome to Year 5 Tigers with Mrs Medley. I am so excited to see you all flourish in Year 5. I know it’s going to be a fantastic year. This page is for our parents/carers and children to use together. It includes information about what Y5 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites. 


Please click here to download the Y5 Topic Long Term Plan 

Please click here to download the Y5 Maths Long Term Plan 

Please click here to download the Y5 Writing Standards 


Spring 1

Our third topic ‘The Victorians’ will take us back to the reign of Queen Victoria. We will be learning about how the Victorians changed the way people lived and how the industrial revolution started. We will be looking at life in the workhouses and this will be supported by our class novel “Street Child”.  

In English, we will be  writing a story opening to set the scene, a non-fiction text to support life as a Victorian workhouse child/orphan and a book review of Street child. In Maths, we will be focusing on Multiplication and Division with a clear emphasis on using a formal written method. The children have 'TT Rockstars' and 'My Maths' log-ins in the front of their planners to support their timetables and Maths learning. 

Books related to your topic: Vile Victorians (Horrible Histories)Horrible Histories: The Villainous Victorians


Important Information

Our P.E days will be Tuesday (PM) and Wednesday (AM).  

Please make sure your child has the correct P.E kit in school on these days and ensure that it is labelled with their name and class.

Our weekly Spanish lesson will be on Thursday (PM). 

Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday and our multiplication test will be on a Wednesday. New spellings will be stuck in planners after each spelling test.


Home Learning

Each half term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the Autumn 1 challenges for you to try at home. I can’t wait to see the homework you produce! 

 Spring 1 Learning Grid   


Dates for your diary:

Monday 20th January - Tech She Can

Wednesday 29th January- Chinese New Year.

Week beginning 3rd February- Children's Mental Health Week 

Monday 3rd February - Wednesday 12th February - Bikeability Cycle Training

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Monday 3rd March - Reading Workshop (Parents)

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Week beginning 10th March - Science Week

Friday 21st March- Red Nose Day / Poetry Day

Friday 28th March - School Finishes