Turtles (FS2)
Welcome to the Turtle Class
I am Mrs Booth and I am excited to be your class teacher. We have lots of amazing teaching assistants that will be working with us that will care for us and help us with our learning. This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what FS2 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites.
Please click here to download the FS2 Writing Standards
The medium term plan of this half term is linked at the bottom of this page.
Our topic is ‘Marvellous Me and My Community’.
In literacy, we will be using lots of different stories about our community and people who help us as a stimulus for our written pieces. We will be focusing on name writing, hearing and writing initial sounds and even beginning to write some cvc words.
In phonics, we will be starting learning phase 2 sounds, tricky words and high frequency words. We will be learning to use these sounds to blend and read CVC words.
In maths, we will be learning all about the numbers to 5. We will be learning to recognise them, count up to 5 objects accurately, represent numbers in different ways, subitise to 5 and order numbers to 5.
During the afternoons, we will be learning about the roles in our community. We will also be looking at why we have rules and why we should be respectful, resilient and ready to learn.
Story time
Books shared at story time have been carefully selected to ensure our pupils; learn new vocabulary, speak in clear sentences, develop their conversational skills, deepen their understanding and ask and answer questions.
Please click here to look at the FS2 Medium Term Planning
Important Information
- Our P.E days will be Thursday morning and Monday afternoon. Please make sure your P.E kit is in school on these days and labelled with your name and class.
- Please make sure your planner is in school every day, so we are able to tell your grown ups about your school learning and what you can be working on at home.
- You will be able to take two books home per week. The first book will be for you to read to develop your fluency and the second book will be for you to share with your grown up.
Dates for your diary
- To be announced
Home Learning
Each half term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the first challenges for you to try.
Other home learning activities:
- Reading at home each night.
- Practise the phonics sounds we have been learning
- Practise the tricky words and high frequency words we have been learning.
- Sort the real and alien words on www.phonicsplay.co.uk