Pandas (Y1)
Welcome to the Panda Class
Welcome to the Panda class with Miss Coldwell and Miss Wilkinson. This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what Y1 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites. This year our main aims are: to develop self confidence in our learning (even when we make mistakes), to become resilient learners who never give up when faced with a challenge and to become more independent in the classroom.
Please click here to download the Y1 Topic Long Term Plan
Please click here to download the Y1 Maths Long Term Plan
Please click here to download the Y1 Writing Standards
Spring 1 Term
Pictures/ books related to your topic
Key Vocabulary taste, smell, touch, hear, see, scissors, handle, cut, tear, materials, rough, shiny, smooth, bones, skull, balanced diet, taste buds, blood, brain, stomach, heart, face, lungs, teeth, skin, five senses, muscles, exercise, Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.
For the First half of Spring Term, we will be focusing on the topic 'The tour of Julia Donaldson' and will be looking at people who helps us. Our books for this term will be on a 2- week cycle. We will be reading ‘Room on the broom,’ ‘The smallest giant in town,’ and ‘The highway rat.’
In Literacy we will be writing character descriptions on the characters in our books. We will be looking at appearance and characteristics.
In Maths we will be looking at place value up to 20, counting 1 more and 1 less than up to 20, practising using number lines, comparing and ordering numbers to 20, addition and subtraction within 20 and missing number problems.
In Science we will be learning about the human body. The children will begin to understand what each part of the human body does. They will be naming the five senses and linking a body part to each of the five senses.
In History we will be looking at who Florence Nightingale was and comparing her to Edith Cavell. The children will be focussing on important events in Florence Nightingale’s life in order to create a timeline of events in chronological order. We will also compare what hospitals looked like before and after the work of Florence Nightingale.
In RSHE the children will look at feelings and understanding other people’s feelings. The children will also be recapping ways to keep their bodies healthy such as; diet, exercise and personal hygiene.
In Computing, the children will be focusing on labelling, matching and putting into groups. They will also be using labels to describe objects. Furthermore, the children will be comparing groups and recording the data.
Throughout the Topic we will complete lots of exciting activities including visiting Eureka! We will be celebrating Chinese New Year and World Religion Day.
Please click here to download the XX Medium Term Planning
Spring 2 Term
Pictures/ books related to your topic |
Key Vocabulary Wood, natural, rock, smooth, bendy, clay, transparent, ceramic, manmade, glass, plastic, metal, reflective, waterproof, past, present, time, picnic, invitation, estimating, comparing, length, mass, capacity, shading, pressure, properties. Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.
Our topic for Spring 2 is ‘The Tour of Julia Donaldson.’
For the Second half of Spring Term, we will be continuing ‘The Tour of Julia Donaldson.’ Our books for this term will be on a 2- week cycle. We will be reading ‘Stick man,’ ‘The snail and the whale,’ and ‘The smeds and the smoos.’
In Literacy we will be writing character descriptions on the characters in our books. We will be looking at appearance and characteristics.
In Maths, we will be thinking about place value and counting to 50, counting in 10s, estimating on a number line, comparing lengths and heights, measuring and comparing mass and capacity. We will also be partitioning 10s and 1s and learning key maths vocabulary.
In Science, we will be investigating and naming materials and objects. We will be finding out the properties of different materials and grouping them accordingly. The children will find out which materials are waterproof.
In Art, we will be practicing drawing linked to our toy topic. The children will learn different techniques such as a shading, pencil strokes and how to apply pressure when needed with their pencil.
In ICT the children will be focusing on technology in our classroom and around us. The children will become more familiar with the term technology. They will be able to classify what is and is not technology. They will also develop mouse and keyboard skills. The children will learn how to use a computer responsibly and safely.
In Religious Education, the children will be focusing on Shrove Tuesday and why this is important to Christians. We will also be looking at how we should care for others and the world and why it matters. Furthermore, the children will be understanding what it means to belong to a faith community.
Through the Topic we will complete lots of exciting activities including celebrating Shrove Tuesday, World Book Day, International Panda Day, Comic Relief and Easter. The children will have a visit in school linked to toys from the past. We will be inviting you into school for our showcase.
Medium Term Planning to be added soon
Important Information
Our P.E days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure your child has the correct P.E kit in school on these days and ensure that it is labelled with their name and class.
Please ensure your child’s planner is in school every day so we are able to tell you about your child’s school learning and what they can be working on at home.
Spellings will be tested every Friday. New spellings will be stuck in the planners after each spelling test.
Phonics reading books will be changed on Fridays.
Dates for your diary
Eureka Trip- Date 11th February
Home Learning
Each half term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the Autumn challenges for you to try.
Spring 1 learning grid Spring 2 leaning grid
Other home learning activities for Spring Term are -
- Read at home each night.
- Practise the class spellings.
- Practise reading and writing the tricky words and Year 1 common exception words.
- Practise phonics - there are some great free games and activities on the Phonics Play website.
- Practise counting forwards and backwards to 50
- Recap all number bonds to 10.