Attendance and Punctuality are extremely important at Waverley Junior Academy.
Central to raising standards in education and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential is an assumption so widely understood that it is insufficiently stated – pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.' (Department for Education)
We believe it is vital that children are in school, and learning, as much as they possibly can be. Children with good attendance are able to participate in, and benefit from, the wonderful learning, events and activities provided by our school; what we would like for every single one of our pupils!
We aim for every child to be in school for at least 96% of the time. Please see the diagram below for details of what attendance percentages mean to us. The attendance team (Koren Foster & Annabel Eades) works closely with families to support those whose child's attendance may be of concern. If a child’s attendance drops below 90% we may ask Mrs.Jefferies, the Academy Education Welfare Officer, to support the family.
We understand that from time to time children need to be absent from school, but we ask that parents/carers contact school before 9am to let us know that your child is absent and why. We are able to administer prescribed medicines in school so if this is required, please bring the medicines into the school office and fill out the permission form to allow us to do this.
If you are unsure whether you should send your child to school, please see the NHS website regarding school attendance and illness.
NHS Website - Is my child too ill for school?
Being on time is really important to your child; every morning the class teacher explains what is going to happen during that day so even if your child misses just a few minutes they may miss some very important information. Additionally, learning starts the minute the children enter class each day and if your child is late they could miss the beginning of the lesson where the teacher explains what they need to do and gives the key learning points for the rest of the session.
Children are expected to be in class at 8.45am and after this time they will be marked as late. If a child arrives late after 9.15am, then their absence will be unauthorised unless the lateness is due to an authorised reason e.g. a medical appointment.
Leave Of Absence
All requests for leaves of absence, should be made in advance by filling in a leave of absence form which is available from reception.
Please note that absence requests are only authorised in exceptional circumstances.
Celebrating Attendance
Each week the Key Stage 1 (FS2 to Y2) and Key Stage 2 (Y3 to Y6) classes are told their class attendance and if they are above the academy target. At the end of each term, children who have achieved our attendance target and those who have improved their attendance will receive certificates.
Attendance Team
Attendance Officer - Koren Foster
Attendance Lead - Annabel Eades