Local Governing Body
Waverley Junior Academy has its own Local Governing Body which includes members from the local community, staff and parents/carers who offer a unique insight into the community’s perception of the academy and contribute to strategic planning and decision making.
Governors are actively encouraged to question and offer constructive challenge based on comprehensive information and analysis of performance. To be a governor within ACET is to be a valued member of a forward-looking, highly professional organisation with a genuine opportunity to contribute to and influence the educational outcomes of pupils.
Meet the Governors
Mrs E. Swanson - Chair
Role/ responsibility - Pupil Premium including Progress & Outcomes
I have worked in an educational setting for the past fifteen years. I am a qualified lecturer. I specialise in areas of Dyslexia/Co-occurring difficulties, Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and Inclusive Practices. I am passionate about teaching, learning, personal development and the wellbeing of young people. As my role as Pupil Premium Governor I will work closely with the Principal to understand the decisions about targeted provision, to support, challenge, monitor and evaluate the work of the school in raising attainment and progression of children who are eligible for Pupil Premium.
Mrs R. Bolton - Principal
I have been teaching for 12 years and worked as part of ACET for 8 years now. I started my career as an FS2 class teacher before gaining experience across Key stage 1. I was then appointed as Foundation and Key Stage 1 leader, followed by Vice Principal and then Associate Principal I lead on Foundation Stage across the trust and early education is what I am most passionate about. I am extremely proud to be Waverley Junior Academy’s Principal and I am dedicated to ensuring all Waverley pupils achieve their full potential.
Mrs K. Stark
Role/ responsibility - Early Years Foundation Stage
I have been actively involved in the Community at Waverley since moving here, helping to found the original Residents Association and events team. As well as this I have supported families through my voluntary role with the local sling libraries. I currently sit on both the events team and the community garden team. I am passionate about supporting the start of education with the early years provision helping the youngest children in our school start their education creating the foundations for growth.
Mrs M. Adigun
Role/ responsibility - Attendance, Behaviour & Attitudes
I am a consultant eye surgeon with an interest in medical education. My experience from leadership roles in medical education will be invaluable as a governor of Waverley Junior Academy. In my spare time, I enjoy playing in the garden with my children and baking cakes. I am the named governor for Behaviour and attitudes including Attendance, Rewards and Sanctions. As part of this role, I hope to support the school leadership in helping all children at Waverley junior academy to develop a good foundation of behaviours and attitudes that will hold them in good stead for the future.
Miss A. Taylor
Role/ responsibility - Staff Well-being and Professional Development
I have been teaching for 8 years and worked as part of ACET for 2 ½ years now. I currently lead Year 2 at Waverley Junior Academy and I have recently been appointed as the Lead Learner for Science across the trust. I am an experienced Key Stage 1 teacher who has a passion for developing strong foundations for children’s learning, behaviour and aspirations of themselves. I have been very lucky and privileged to work alongside our growing Waverley team to help establish the school in a developing community.
Miss C. Hollingworth
Role/ responsibility - SEND
I have worked within education for 15 years, predominantly in finance but more recently as a school manager. My role as school manager includes all aspects of school business management including: Finance, HR, Premises, IT and Health & Safety
As a new governor to Waverley Junior Academy, I am looking forward to working with the school to help provide the best outcomes for the children of Waverley.
Minutes of meetings are available on request. Please email contactus@astoncetrust.org and the ACET Governance Leader shall respond accordingly.
Waverley Junior Academy Register of Interests and Attendance